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Oh those adorable newborns!

Updated: May 23, 2018

Over the years, i have had the pleasure of taking photos of the teeniest tiniest newborns. Completely utterly gorgeous babies!

It reminds me so much of my three when they were so brand new!

Just divine.

Yet these little cherubs won't be too thrilled when they are 21 and the photos are displayed at their 21st party for all to see! But that is where the bribery can come in, can't it Mum?!

But capturing the first few images of a tiny baby's first days is utterly precious.

Just wanted to share a few of my favourites:

Sleeping Beauty!

The bowtie. Just adorable!

A penny for his thoughts...

Newborn shoots can take quite a long time, as we have to be patient while they sleep and feed. But trust me, they are always SO worth it.

The best time to photograph them tends to be between 5-12 days, as they are at their most sleepiest. That's when we can dress them up and put them in the cutest little poses.

But it does take some planning and logistics - believe me!

So, if you are interested in a newborn shoot, or know somebody that is, then please do get in touch.

I can talk you/them through the whole process and answer any questions on how it works.

And if you would like to see some of my other newborn photos, please take a little look here:

Thanks x

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