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"Not one decent family photo...!"

Updated: Jun 20, 2018

Having been a Mum for over 12 years, I can hand-on-heart say that we probably have just one truly decent photo of all five of us. We have photos of my hubby/me with the kids...or just the kids... but it’s rare to get a good one of all five of us!

Here is a sample of our family photos.

Here, we are squinting into the sun. I’m wearing my dodgy walking shoes. Hubby is frowning. Our clothes are mismatched. But hey! The dog looks good!

Next shot: My daughter has hair all over her face. The background is pretty dire. And my eldest son in the middle was doing this ‘weird smile’ thing! He went through a phase of that!

Final one. The Selfie. Gotta love a selfie. But never that flattering for the person pressing the button! So…err…bagsy not press the button!

My kids (& husband!) all moan when I ask a random passer by to take a family shot and then somebody always starts playing up. And it only takes one person to start playing up to ruin the photo. Plus we are NEVER in outfits that seem to co-ordinate.

But when you have “someone else” taking the photos, it’s a whole different ballgame:

For starters, a professional photographer will have special tricks and games to get all the family laughing – from the toddler to the grandparents.

I can even get the 14-year-old teenage boy smiling (who would rather be burning in hell, than be at a family photoshoot).

I couldn’t possibly give away all of my trade secrets on here, but you just need to look at my portfolio to see families looking relaxed and happy. Teenagers & Dads included.

Also, with family shoots, they are prepared. We will have chatted about outfits in advance, so everyone looks co-ordinated.

All the family know that the photoshoot is coming up, so we have an allocated period of time.

Everyone will have eaten, so we don’t have hungry children getting tired and fed up.

Mum will probably have had her hair done.

The kids will be bribed with something yummy at the end.

As well as Dad.... "Trip to the pub, darling?!"

That goes without saying!

And we all know that it will take a maximum 1-2 hours to capture some treasured memories.

Need I say more? What are you waiting for? Strike now before the kids grow up and book a family photoshoot!

And I promise, that in the next year, I’m going to action a family shoot for the Lucas family too. Mmmm... I think i can already hear the groans...

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