The pandemic has made us change so many things in our lives, but one thing that it has highlighted is the Family Bond. Who would have thought that reunions and milestone birthdays and simple gatherings would be banned? No-one could have predicted it.
But one thing is for sure...we will no longer take for granted simple pleasures, like hugs and kisses and just being together.
I had the absolute pleasure recently of taking photos of four generations within one family.

This was just SO SO special, for so many reasons. For starters, i was able to take precious photos of Great Granny holding her gorgeous great-granddaughter.

How precious is this? Also, two excited grandparents cuddling their family's new (and completely gorgeous!) addition, after so many cancelled plans and postponed visits.

The gathering of family, in a garden, on a summer's day, with the trickle of laughter and fits of giggles from the newest addition. It was genuinely so lovely. There was a time in 2020 when we all began to question whether this would happen again.

But it is. Life is slowly going back to "normal". Familes are meeting up, without the constant threat of cancellation. And we are able to laugh again. And plan. And renew our hope!

So thank you again to this lovely family for asking me to come and photograph you all. If you are interested in booking a family shoot, please do get in touch. I will send over a copy of my "Photoshoot Journey" booklet in advance, with all the information about What to Expect, What to Wear, Pricing and Products. Once you have had a look through, you can get in contact to book your shoot, if you think that i am the Photographer for you. Oh yes - and no hard sell or hidden surprises. Just clarifying that!
For more information or to get in touch, please just click here.
And thanks for reading.
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