So 2020 has possibly been the worst year on record for 99.9% of the world.
We are all fed up.
We don't know whether we are coming or going.
And now we are entering a SECOND Lockdown.
But STOP! I am about to spread some joy!
Here is an idea which will spread some festive cheer to friends & family in your life. See this Xmas card below? Well, this could be YOU and your family on the front this year!

Last year, in the run-up to Christmas, I wanted to plan lots of festive shoots, but the weather was just RUBBISH! Why am i surprised? I live in Manchester.
So, i took action! Not by moving to California... but by commissioning an absolutely gorgeous festive backdrop, which i could use in my studio "whatever the weather!"
The fabulous team at 'I Want Plants' helped me create something elegant, timeless and festive:

Next up...i had to recruit my husband to help hang it up!

Great work there, Rich! 😂
My twins then helped 'bring it alive' so i could show people how it would look!

And then, lo and behold, i hosted my first ever "Festive Backdrop Open Day!" Woop woop!
Mince pies ✅
Mulled wine ✅
Festive tunes ✅
Crazy props ✅

It was soooo much fun and something so different! I absolutely loved it, as did my fabulous clients.
"Come on us the shots!" I hear you cry!
Here are some of my favourites:

One amazing family went ALL THE WAY...and came in matching pyjamas!
Yes. They put their pj's on at home... got in the car...drove here and did the shoot!
It goes without saying that they were VERY giddy when they got here!

As you saw at the start of this blog, some families then used their photos for Christmas cards, which was such a brilliant idea!

Or the images can be used for canvases, sponge bags, name it. The list is endless.
So, sadly i was hoping to run these special days in November. However, that plan has been swiftly shelved since the new Lockdown announcement. So, i now have a Plan A and a Plan B!
Plan A is that i'll still get to run these, but in December:
Sat 5th & Sun 6th Dec
Sat 12th & Sun 13th Dec
The cost for the shoot and for two digital images is £95.
Plan B is that i'm running Festive Doorstep shoots across weekends in November. There will more information about this coming to my website soon, but these should spark some joy and smiles too!
If you would like to book your slot for the Festive Backdrop Studio shoots in December and spread a bit of festive joy, or if you simply want some more information, then just click here.
If you want more information about the Festive Doorstep shoots, bear with me! This is work in progress and i'm working on the plan as fast as i can! But they will be a much shorter shoot (£50 for a 15 minute shoot, including 5 jpgs and a £5 charity donation). Please do let me know that you're interested by clicking here. Then i'll contact you with more information!
And if you want to find out where to get fun matching family pyjamas, then i can assure you that you won't regret it, just click here!
We can't change the current situation in the world right now, but what we CAN do, is create the odd spark of joy.
Thanks for reading.