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Top 10 tips to take better photos of your kids

Shoot from behind.

No need to always show the face. It can almost become like a storyboard.

Use props and costumes. Most kids love to dress up and make believe. Or ask them to fetch their favourite teddy and photograph them reading it a story. Or capture your little on in his Darth Vader outfit. Trust me – it’ll be worth its weight in gold at their 21st!

Get down to their level. It will instantly improve your photos!! If you can be at the same level as their eyes, even better. This will mean crouching down. You’ve been warned! Often even lying down gets a great shot – and a lovely angle too.

Candid shots. Don’t always have them looking direct at the camera. Try putting your phone on silent & taking some shots when they haven’t noticed you doing it. These candid shots also tell their own story too.

Change your perspective. Shooting from above makes an interesting angle. Aka the “birds eye”. Especially if they’re in the middle of some big arty picture, or a game that takes up lots of space.

Get in close. Sometimes zooming in on those summer freckles or those gorgeous long eyelashes creates a really memorable shot. Once they’ve grown up, you may forget about these little features. So maybe just photograph them now… to enjoy later!

Food Glorious Food!

Don’t photograph them when they are tired or hungry. Unless you want them looking rather grumpy! Wait until they’ve had some food – you won’t believe the difference!

Games for little ones.

Little kids love bubbles. And peek-a-boo. This is where you need a helper (see next tip!). But their expressions will be so natural and happy.

He’s behind you!

Get a helper! The Helper can get their attention with little props or doing some funny poses that the kids can copy. That often helps get a giggle or two.

Offer a reward.

It always helps to have a sweet or two ready to hand over, once you’ve got your shot.

And there you have it!

The joy of digital photography is you can just keep on clicking. I hope you find these tips useful for when you’re next behind the lens.

And if you're still struggling, take the pressure off yourself and book a family photoshoot! I'd be delighted to take photos of your kids.

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